Saturday, 24 November 2012

To-do list

Ok. I have two weekends left before Themis starts on 3 Dec. That is including this weekend and noting the fact that next weekend I MUST go Christmas shopping and today I am only just starting to study because I had to go grocery shopping in the morning and then my flatmate's parents were here.

So now I'm cracking on and here is the to-do list before I can start bar prep lectures:


1. Criminal (about 50% left)
2. CivPro (this one's a killer, over 100 pages)
3. Real property
4. Trusts

Outlines (to be combined with reading where reading not already done)

1. Contracts
2. Torts
3. Remedies
4. PR
5. Con law
6. Criminal
7. CivPro (see above)
8. Real property
9. Trusts

I also have a bunch of first-year and upper level lectures to listen to and do the handouts on, this includes finishing up real property and civpro handouts and finishing lectures and handouts on corporations, evidence, wills and trusts.

Obviously all of this is NOT going to happen before 3 December, but I'm going to give it a damn good go! Watch this space!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Reasons why I may fail the bar exam - Part I

Reason 1: I can't get myself out of bed.

I go to work in my Big Law job every day so I already don't have a whole bunch of time to study. I usually roll up at the office around 9.30, so the key is to study in the mornings, get an hour or so in before work as after work my brain is not usually still functioning.

So far, for the last couple of weeks, I have woken up without fail at 6.30, not feeling too sleepy, thinking "perfect, I can get up and study now". Yet, somehow, so far this is yet to happen.

Therefore, if I fail the bar exam, my inability to motivate/terrify myself into action in the mornings instead of pressing snooze repeatedly, will most likely have been my downfall.

In other news, I was allocated to Pasadena, which was my first choice, and I've booked myself into a hotel. So at least that part is done. Just need to learn the law now...

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Where's The Fear?

I'm lacking The Fear. I'm sure it will come, but so far I haven't been able to get on top of things.

My plan has been to do all the reading and outlines before the bar review lectures start on 3 December, but I am WAY behind. Here's where I am:

Outlines completed: Evidence, wills, agency, community property, crim pro, partnerships

Reading done: PR, corps

Not even touched: civ pro, con law, trusts, remedies, real property, contracts, torts, remedies, sales, criminal

The logic was to start with the subjects that are completely unfamiliar to me, so evidence, wills and CP, and leave the 'easier' stuff until later, being things like contracts and torts which are basically exactly the same here and in CA so, in theory at least, it would take me less time to get to grips with them.

Now, obviously I am not going to get through all this material in three weekends, so I must get more done during the week, but somehow this is just not happening. It may be the case that I would only do the reading and not the outlining, but then at some point I WILL have to do the outlining... bah.

This is somewhat unfamiliar to me, as I have always been so efficient with my studying, but various stresses with stupid boys and work have somehow derailed me this time... watch this space!