Saturday, 1 December 2012

Reasons why I may fail the bar exam - Part II

The rule against perpetuities.

It's a bitch.

Yes, I studied it in law school, but I don't remember it being this complicated! Certainly I never had to learn anything about vested interests or contingent springing defasible options subject to open executory interests or any of that crap.

Now, I know I'm not stupid, I deal with all kinds of complicated crap at work all day, every day, but somehow I just cannot get all these stupid interests in my head.

I suspect that my preparation tactic in this respect will be to just memorise everything and not even bother trying to understand it, since that currently seems like a totally pointless exercise...


  1. I totally get what you're saying, but doubt RAP will be the reason you fail the bar exam. Especially since you're working, I wouldn't spend too much time or mental energy on concepts that are infrequently tested (or only account for a few questions on the MBE). You can do it, Miss Feasance!

  2. Thank you, this is of course all true!
